cubus webinar
Learning has never been so easy! – Become a pro with the outperform your skills webinar series
Most of the cubus customers are using cubus Performance AL (EV) for self-service analysis on top of OLAP databases. Enabling product know-how quickly and easily: this is our goal. Many cubus Performance AL (EV) users use only a fraction of the possibilities that the software offers. The functions can simplify and accelerate their daily work enormously.
In this upcoming webinar series cubus would like to show you how to introduce a reporting and analysis application with cubus. We will show you tips and tricks for cubus Performance AL (EV). Save time and effort.
Cubus webinars are delivered in English. They run 20 minutes.
Decision Systems works with cubus to provide webinars that offers insights into deployment – your company can experience improved analysis and reporting. Tell us about your application and we can help determine which webinar is appropriate for you. Summarize in the message box, what kind of performance management metrics are of interest to you, and how you may want to deploy cubus Performance AL (EV).
The current webcast schedule is:
No webinars have been scheduled at this time.
Interested in a webinar? Fill out the form below and we’ll take care of it.
Clients talk about Cubus
Want to contact us directly?
- Address: 5 Revere Drive, Northbrook, Il 60062 U.S.A
- Phone: 01 (847) 433-0876
- Email: [email protected]
- Twitter:
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